Knowledgeable & Practiced Legal Counsel
Have you been visited by Clinton County Children’s Protective Services (CPS)? Has a CPS worker left a business card on your door? Did an investigator go to school and talk to your kids? These are all indications that you need a Clinton County CPS defense lawyer helping you. You may be afraid of what lies ahead. If you are like most parents, your children are your entire life, and nothing is more important to you. At Cronkright Law, our Clinton County child protective services attorneys have the experience, skills, and dedication necessary to fight for your family.
Clinton County Children’s Protective Services Defense
Clinton County DHHS / CPS office
For the most part, if CPS is involved in your family life, you should be working with an attorney that understands the CPS process. CPS investigates allegations of neglect and abuse; many of which are made anonymously. Many are made by mandated reporters such as counselors and school officials. Many are made by an ex-wife or ex-husband with an axe to grind. If CPS is in your life, you owe it to yourself to at least discuss your matter with an attorney who can help you to understand what your family is going through. Generally, we do not recommend parents sitting down with a CPS worker for an interview without counsel. CPS workers have been known to tell parents that they don’t need an attorney or that hiring an attorney would make them look guilty. Comments like these are designed to make it easier to have access to a family under investigation.
Defending Parents in Clinton County Family Court
Clinton County Michigan Courthouse, St. Johns
Neglect petitions are litigated in the Family Division of the Clinton County Circuit Court. In each county, there is a court plan on how to distribute cases amongst the various judges of the Circuit and Probate Courts. In Clinton county, Probate Judge Lisa Sullivan handles most of the neglect petition cases. As a parent or caretaker, if you find yourself a respondent to a CPS Petition, you will want to have the best possible legal defense. It is important that, regardless of who you choose to hire, you work with an attorney who has an understanding of how the court process works. There are no other types of cases in Michigan that are guided by the same set of statutes, court rules and procedures that parents have to face when CPS is attacking their parental rights. Attorneys who are predominately general practice attorneys or family law attorneys often find themselves in over their heads. Unfortunately, we often hear complaints from parents that their court appointed attorneys are not up to the challenge either. While it is not our intent to criticize court appointed attorneys, it is our advice that you should obtain the services of the best, most experienced and most skilled lawyer you can. Our attorneys have decades of experience defending parents.
Have you been accused of any of the following? If so, we can help:
- Shaken baby syndrome
- Medical child abuse
- Munchausen syndrome by proxy
- Infant injuries
- Misdiagnosis of child abuse
- Criminal child abuse
- Failure to protect
- Child neglect
- Educational neglect
It can be incredibly intimidating to face allegations of abuse or misconduct from CPS, law enforcement, or doctors. Our attorneys can help. We are passionate about making sure children stay with their parents; right where they belong.
Contact Our Trusted Clinton County Child Protective Services Lawyers Today
Are you facing issues regarding your guardianship of your child? The Clinton County child protective services attorneys at Cronkright Law understand how CPS functions. We know how to work with parents in and out of court to get the results you are looking for. We are dedicated to helping keep your family together, regardless of the challenges or complexities which may lie ahead. Our priority is to protect the best interests of you and your loved ones, and we strive to offer you top-rated, compassionate, and knowledgeable legal counsel, care, and representation.
Schedule a free, initial consultation with a member of our firm by calling (517) 881-4643.